For samples of devotions, see 'Seeds of the Kingdom'. If you search the website, you will find devotions that speak about topics that interest you. Each devotion includes a verse from the Bible, thoughts about how the verse is relevant to the life of the writer and to our lives, and a prayer for you to pray.
For solid Biblical teaching over Summer and Easter, Belgrave Heights Easter Convention. New accommodation is available which caters for families, couples and single adults.
For a list of churches in the Warrnambool area see 'Christian Churches in Warrnambool'
For an online church, use the internet to find City on a Hill Digital YouTube which provides three online services which are live streamed from the Melbourne church every Sunday at 9am, 11am and 5:30pm. Their gatherings will provide you with a special and significant opportunity to sing, pray, hear God's word, connect with their community and set your eyes to the beauty, truth and relevance of Jesus. You can watch the online church services through Facebook Live or YouTube Live. There's also CK Cubby House for children, aged 2-6 years, CKTV for kids aged 7-11 and City Youth for junior youth.
To participate in 10 weekly sessions of Positive Lifestyle Program, contact the Salvation Army office on Mortlake Road, Warrnambool. This program has been specifically designed to enhance participant's self-awareness, and to enable them to gain a better understanding of their personal life strengths. It covers Anger, Depression, Stress, Loneliness, Grief and Loss, Creative Problem Solving, Assertiveness, Self-esteem and Goal Setting. You may register at the office.
For personal development and growth in self-confidence, consider coming along to regular meetings of Warrnambool Rostrum Club - your local public speaking club. This club provides a friendly relaxed group setting where participants contribute when and how they feel comfortable. Everyone is encouraged to focus on various public speaking skills. The club normally meets on the first and third Wednesday of each month at 7:30pm at the Salvation Army building on Mortlake Road. Please contact Liz on 0400 191 309 for more information as this is an effective way to build self-confidence.
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